Thousands Protest in Favor of Falash Mura Immigration

Ynetnews, Israel

(Video) Mass demonstration held in front of Prime Minister’s Office for 8,700 Falash Mura members who were promised aliyah in 2005, yet remain in Ethiopia; nine protestors arrested

Shlomit Sharvit/ Israel News
Photo: Gil Yohanan

VIDEO – Taish Tafaka, a 29-year-old mother of two, has been in Israel for four years. Her father, brother and sister are in Gondar, Ethiopia and are presently forbidden from immigrating to Israel.

Why are they separating us?” Tafaka asked on Sunday morning alongside 5,000 people in a protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, in which some people were arrested.

“We are in contact by telephone and it is very hard on them. They don’t have food and we send them money; giving what we can,” said Tafaka, who is in Israel with her four brothers.

“We go to the Interior Ministry every day and ask them to bring them here; we don’t understand why it isn’t happening. I am a Jew, so my mom is a Jew, why are they separating us?”

Some 8,700 Jewish people are waiting in the Gondar community as the government refuses to look into their right to immigrate to Israel, despite a promise made in 2005. Read More.


















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