A team of U.S. doctors and nurses discovers the unexpected on a mission to Ethiopia

Above: This mission was a joint venture between Healing the
Children and Gemini Health Care Group, founded by Dr. Ebba K.
Ebba of Alabama.

The Philadelphia Inquirer
By Harold Jackson
Opinion Columnist

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Eight-year-old boys, when they are not in school, should be outdoors with their friends, playing ball, finding treasure in what grown-ups throw away, shouting in glee because that’s what little boys do.

But not 8-year-old Zemen Toshome. For more than six years, Zemen has lived at Tikur Anbesa (Black Lion) Hospital in Addis Ababa. He goes outside only briefly on the hospital grounds. He can’t shout because of his medical condition.

Zemen has laryngeal papillomatosis, a disease in which tumors grow inside the larynx, vocal cords, or respiratory tract. The disease occurs when the human papillomavirus (HPV) is transferred from a mother to her child at birth. The tumors can grow quickly and cause difficulty in breathing, which if not corrected can lead to death. Read more.

Video: Interview With Dr. Ebba K. Ebba

3 Responses to “A team of U.S. doctors and nurses discovers the unexpected on a mission to Ethiopia”

  1. 1 endalc Apr 5th, 2010 at 8:31 am

    Thank you verey much for this. Great work. Thank you!

  2. 2 zewdu Apr 5th, 2010 at 3:58 pm

    What a wonderful thing to be able to help others, especially kids. You get so much from giving. Thanks doc good luck to you.

  3. 3 Óiecha Oni_Oné Apr 10th, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    One Moment can Change a Day
    One Day can Change a Life
    One Life can Change the World!
    The Buddaha

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