UK Slams Ethiopia’s Human Rights Record

Eskinder Nega, in prison since 2011, is among those jailed on terrorism charges. (Image: Amnesty Intl.)

The Reporter

By Neamin Ashenafi

Addis Ababa — The 2013 Human Rights report of the government of (UK) severely criticized the government of Ethiopia for its application of its Anti-Terrorism Proclamation and the Charities and Societies Proclamation, which hampers the activity of the opposition camp of the country.

The report says that the UK is concerned about continuing restrictions on opposition and dissent in Ethiopia through use of the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation (ATP) and the Charities and Societies Proclamation (CSP) .

Those detained under the ATP include members of opposition groups, journalists, peaceful protesters, and others seeking to express their rights to freedom of assembly and expression while the CSP has had a serious impact on Ethiopian civil society’s ability to operate effectively, according to the report.

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