Dr. Mulu Muleta Receives 2010 Global ATHENA Leadership Award

Above: At the 16th annual ATHENA Women’s Leadership
Summit in Chicago, Dr. Mulu Muleta was presented with
the 2010 Global ATHENA Leadership Award. (Tsehainy)

Posted here on June 8th, 2010
The ATHENA International Global ATHENA Leadership Award acknowledges, among many qualities, women who show excellence, creativity and initiative in their work; provide valuable services to improve the quality of life in their communities and whose work has national or international significance. While studying at Addis Ababa University Medical School, Dr. Muleta met the founders of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, Reginald and Catherine Hamin. After graduating, Reginald Hamin recruited Dr. Muleta to work at the hospital. Read more.

Gates to spend $1.5 billion on women’s health (The Seattle Times)

3 Responses to “Dr. Mulu Muleta Receives 2010 Global ATHENA Leadership Award”

  1. 1 Begudu Jun 8th, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    I remember walking in the crowded caring ward of Festula Hospital In addis Ababa when I was in my early teens, this is about twenty years ago. The main reason why i was visiting was to see my older sister Dr Mulu Muleta (We are not actually brothers and sisters but her love and her parents sacrifice to save mine made us brothers and sisters forever). I remember her dedication and care for the young patients, I admired her talent in performing multiple surgeries and act as if she was doing nothing, no bragging, or taking credit. Her intention was always helping the child in front of her and move on to the next one. She is without a doubt a “strongest women” I ever met.

    She is also a great and loving mother to her childrens. A role model for her brother’s and sister’s.

    I love you Mulu. Congratualtion.


  2. 2 Tesfaye Berhanu Jul 23rd, 2010 at 10:55 am

    I’m glad to hear this! I want to extend my congratulations to Dr. Muleta. Please keep up the good work.

  1. 1 DigEthiopia Trackback on Jun 10th, 2010 at 2:08 am
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