By Tadias Staff
Cover Image: Comparison Graph for the Top-Three
from Quantcast
Published: Monday, September 22, 2008
New York (Tadias) – Tadias Magazine announced its first annual listing of the top ten Ethiopian websites as ranked by their popularity among the U.S. audience. The complete listing will be released in December and includes Ethiopia-related websites in several categories including news, business, art, fashion, entertainment, music, internet radio and non-profit organizations. Based on last month’s data from Quantcast, a media measurement service company, Ethiomedia.com leads the list in traffic with approximately 44,358 U.S. monthly visitors, followed by Ethiopianreview.com (44k) and Nazret.com (27k).
The Quantcast traffic numbers are based on panel estimates. Internal numbers for each website may vary. According to Google Analytics the monthly audience for Tadias Magazine is 24,371 (Aug 22, 2008 – Sep 21, 2008). However, the Quantacast reading shows approximately 11,000.
Visitor demographics were also included. Below is a preview of site analyses in the news category.
Ethiomedia (44.4K Estimated US Visitors)
This site reaches approximately 44,358 U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a mostly African American, heavily male, more educated, middle aged audience. Reader demographics include:
74% Male
26% Female
89% African American
1% Caucasian
1% Asian
1% Hispanic
9% Other
Ethiopian Review (33.4K Estimated US Visitors)
This site reaches approximately 33,382 U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a more educated, largely male, HH income up to $60k, middle aged, mostly African American group.The typical visitor reads Washington Post and visits pbskids.org.
78% Male
22% Female
85% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
1% Hispanic
11% Other
Nazret.com (27.8k Estimated US Visitors)
This site reaches approximately 27,890 U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a HH income
up to $60k, heavily male, highly educated, mostly African American, 35-49 following. The
typical visitor uses LowFares.Com, and listens to National Public Radio.
71% Male
29% Female
87% African American
3% Caucasian
1% Asian
1% Hispanic
8% Other
Aigaforum (14.5K Estimated US Visitors)
This site reaches approximately 14,473 U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a heavily male, mostly African American, HH income up to $60k, 35-49, more educated audience.
85% Male
15% Female
89% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
0% Hispanic
6% Other
Tadias.com (11.k Estimated US Visitors)
This site reaches approximately 11,056 U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a college
educated, African American, middle aged, somewhat male crowd.
60% Male
40% Female
46% African American
31% Caucasian
10% Asian
2% Hispanic
11% Other
Ethiopia Zare (11.0K Estimated US Visitors)
This site reaches approximately 11,031 U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a largely
male, HH income up to $60k crowd.
73% Male
27% Female
(Ethnic data, not available)
Cyberethiopia (7K Estimated US People)
This site reaches approximately 7,156 U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a mostly male, mostly African American, HH income up to $60k, middle aged audience.
78% Male
22% Female
83% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
0% Hispanic
12% Other
Abugida (6K Estimated US People)
This site reaches approximately 6,634 U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a middle aged, primarily male, mostly African American, more educated following.
85% Male
15% Female
78% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
1% Hispanic
13% Other
Five thousand and below
Ethio-politics (5k Estimated US People)
Addis Admass (5k Estimated US People)
Gadaa (5k Estimated US People)
Ethiopia First (5k Estimated US People)
Addis Voice (4k Estimated US People)
Abbay Media (4k Estimated US People)
Ethioforum (3k Estimated US People)
Capital (3k Estimated US People)
Addis Fortune (3k Estimated US People)
Mahder (2k Estimated US People)
Reporter (831 Estimated US People)
Ethio-lion (70 Estimated US People)
U.S. web traffic was too small to rank the following:
Addis Neger
Abbi Weekly
Jimma Times
Daily Monitor
Oromo Index
The detailed top 10 list will be released at the end of the year in December.
Everybody knows that the brave Ethiopian Abreham B. doing outstanding performance for running http://www.ethiomedia.com
Long Live to Ethiomedia and Abreham family in North West.
God Bless Ethiopia.
This ranking is useless and designed to put http://www.tadias.com on the top 10 list.
1. Why did you choose the ranking of only US visitors to the websites?? you have to use all world visitors
2. The websites from Ethiopia (addis neger, addis fortune, jimma times, capital, addis admass) are from newspapers so they should not be in the ranking of “websites”
If you want to measure them, you have to measure how many newspapers they sell inside ethiopia.
3. Why are you trying to give tadias.com high ranking??
Let me guess why? Because Tadias is a U.S. based Ethiopian American Magazine…that’s why they would be interested only in US visitors. Got it? It makes perfect sense to me.
Congrats to Ethio Media, Ethiopian Review and Nazret.
Kind of surprised here though…I am a big fun of Nazret so I thought the whole world hangs out at Nazret. Gosh, I was wrong. Who knew? I didn’t even know Ethio Media and Ethiopian Review ever existed.
Thanks Tadias for this great resource!
Hi there!
I’m not sure what your guidelines are but there are simply way too many Ethiopian sites that are missing in the list – even according to Quantcast. Here are some examples:
addiszefen.com (18.9K)
ginbot7.org (12.5K)
ethiotube.net (9.1K)
ethioview.com (8.8K)
cyberethiopia.com (7.2K)
From the Editors:
The complete listing will be released in December and includes Ethiopia-related websites in several categories including news, business, art, fashion, entertainment, music, internet-radio and non-profit organizations. You may email your website for consideration to info@tadias.com.
This is very biased report.
Ethiomedia is my home page just to say in short even when a single headline stays for days without any update. Congradulation for Abraham and all other contributers. This is a reward for Objectivzm.
God bless
It could probably make sense since this poll is taken in the US and focused on visitors from US. If the polls were inclusive of the whole world, we probably would see a much different result than this one. Maybe Reporter would have taken the first place. But, I’m surprised why EthioFirst is not listed among the top 10 websites?
Ethiomedia is the place if you want to read about Eritrea and its difficulties. It is an ‘opposition’ website in so far as Woyane is hesitant to fight Shabia. That is its limit; it has no other agenda. People go there to use the links (all in one place) there (Ethiopian Review missing. Wonder Why?) to go to other sites. I bet you if you look at the stats as to how many who go to the site actually read the aricle on its pages you will find that the number would not be more than 50%.
Tadias, have more links and you will be the number one Ethiopian website for residents of North America.
Congratulations to Ethiomedia, Ethiopian Review and Nazret for taking the gold, silver and bronze medals. Good job Tadias.com also for being 5th out of 10 top places, and for reporting the survey results.
Bravo Ethiomedia, ethiopian Review, Nazret.com and so on, it is known fact that Ethiomedia, ethiopian Review, Nazret.com and others are not revealed here in Addis because of our democratic government. But people browses via proxies. So we appriciate the organizers to do this, if possible pls include other continents except country Ethiopia for better judgment.
From Ethiomedia links Abay media and Addis Voice are top in the list from the number of hits they received, why are they not in the top ten list.
How is it possible to collect the demography and income status of these visitors from either making comments on these websites or reading their articles posted on these websites.
This is great! Indeed, congratulations are in order for the top-three finishers….big up to EthioMedia, EthiopianReview, and Nazret!!
Guest 1 – Abay media and Addis Voice are both listed. I am sure the demographics is collected through computer IP addresses. For example you have your own IP address that is unique to you. And, it may surprise you, but many websites always track where you go,what you do, what you buy online, what you read, ext…
So if you are one to visit around some kinky webistes then that’s recorded too. So be careful
Well, most of the websites do not have original news. They only copy from international websites and from ethiopian newspapers.
So ethiomedia, ethiopianreview and nazret.com are the TOP 3 copyright violators.
This ranking should be labeled “Top 10 Ethiopian Copyright violators”
Congratulations Ethiomedia for the well deserved 1st place. This proves to those who doubt that Ethiomedia is run by professionals with high ethics not cadres, like reporter’s chief editor.
Good for Ethiomedia but Very amazing the way you guys said traffic is analyzed. Addis Neger is No. 1 Newspaper in Ethiopia and No. 1 website in the world among Ethiopians.
Look what the rank says at nazret.com a week ago
And they posted once 22K visitors based on google analytics so how Quantcast took the survey is questionable.
Actually I like
1. nazret.com
2. addisneger.com
3. addisfortune.com
4. ethiomedia.com
5. capitalethiopia.com
6. ethiopianreporter.com
The amzing thing is cyberethiopia is abandoned for the last 2 years I don’t know how they become within 10 range.
It is amazing.
Ethiomedia cries for free press. But he screened and avoided the negative comments on this topic. How do I know? My friends spoke about this biased assessement.
Your cry for blocking of media is “ye Azo Enba“. You are blocking us here in the free world. Shame on you, Ethiomedia!
Based on website traffic ranking, the most visited ethiopian site is Ethiopianreview.com. Ethiopianreview.com is among the 100,000 most visited world sites, ranking about #65,000 out of 100,000.
According to movers and shakers traffic graph, Ethiomedia.com is not even in the 100,000 top most visited sites of the world.
You can check the traffic ranking on http://www.alexa.com/
Thank you Tadias for this information! I have a project in Ethiopia and I try to keep myself well informed of Ethiopian issues. This helps to know which publications are leaders.
I must admit that I am biased towards Tadias…I just love it and, of course, the presentation is more to my test. I guess I am on of your 31% non-Ethiopian fans !!!
Thank you again for the information!
My hats off to Tadias Magazine. Thank you for the ranking. This is very interesting!
Congratulations to Ethio Media for the gold. Ethiopian Review for the Silver and Nazret for the third spot.
I look forward to your comprehensive results in December.
Keep it up, keep it up….
From your humble admirer who has followed your success for the last several years.
Thank you!
I hate the New York Media. Let’s judge everything from the U.S. perspective or from the New York angle. Typical media arrogance. I don’t care if it is Tadias, CNN, OR the New York Times. They are all the same. Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant..
Quancast is very inaccurate measurement really it is
I actually Research these data all the time since I advertise my website on all of them.
Ethiopian Review and CyberEthiopia are the top two- both of them have sent me their actually analytics… since I asked for it before I give them my Mullah-
I also advertise on Tadias ena I know which site have the most traffic- so I am not too baised.
Nazret Ethiopian Review Ethiopiamedia and CyberEthiopia are top four in no particular order -
Cyberethiopia is dropping off and Ethiopian review and Nazret are on the rise.
The rest of the data is completely OFF.
The best way to see traffic details is to merge the data of Alexa and Compete together but even those are not accurate since they go by trending via a toolbar software
So techy sites will get higher ranking on some sites than others because some site vistors are more likely to have more web savvy with toolbar vistors than other sites.
Here we go again Nolawi, How many things are you expert on? Just joking!
But keep in mind the data above is from last month and only U.S. visitors. So I think your argument would have been valid, if the Tadias results were not focused on a specific segment of readers, i.e, the Tadias Target (U.S. audience primarily).
I am wondering if Tadias is including global numbers or only U.S. for the final numbers in December?
The three most “anti-Ethiopian-Spirit” sites are the most popular,ehh! Another proof for the existence of the beast (666). Beware of popular things!
How about http://oromantic.com ?
That is my favorite site
I NEED HELP. Yesterday I saw a newspaper called “Atref” in Washington DC and on page 5 there is a travel advertisement under the name Bel Travel written in amharic and english. They said you can buy ticket over the phone from any part of USA. IS IT POSSIBLE? They have unbelievable deal, is it true? or is it gimmic? ( shiweda)????
If I am not mistaken this was the phone # 703-746-8920 IF NOT CALL 411 AND FIND OUT. IT IS LOCATED IN ALEXANDRIA, VA. 20 MINUTES FROM DC.
While I appreciate your effort in doing the survey and ranking, I would like to mention few points here.
I know it is difficult to gather so many websites and analyse them using some traffic ranking tools. I am not sure how or why you chose Quantcast for this analysis (you may have your own reasons behind) but if you google the word traffic ranking and web traffic ranking … or any thing to do with traffic the first site you will get is Alexa.com which is one of the best traffic ranking and analysis tool. the other thing is that averaging is another thing , meaning using various tools and take the average… take more samples from different tools and do the maths. Each ranking tool has its own way of ranking .. some just gives you the passed by visit as a rank .. for example if you make a website your home page … whenever you launch your internet browser you will be counted as a visitor … then the other question is how does the users / visitors computer act towards cookies.
This is just to give you an idea of what could be a factor. One thing for sure is that yes ethiomedia is one of the best site out there. Finally I would like to say keep up your good jobs.
Tedla Shiferaw, you hit the nail on the head. Thank God that our people in Ethiopia can’t see this sites. These hatemongers really are devil’s work. The funny thing is the makers themselves don’t know or don’t want to know about it. They create division among Ethiopians, they teach the once disciplined Ethiopians how to be vulgar and to insult each other, to hate each other. There popularity will end soon, they will not survive, mark my words!
It is amazing all these site at the top don’t have anything of thier own. They just recycle from other news sources.
I prefer Bernos people who come up with something of thier own.
Dear Tadias Staff,
There is only 44 days left to the election, and you guys are joking about websites? I know you need a break, but please get back to work
Aradoch and gobezoch !
well, well well , most of the top websites only copy from other websites. most of the articles on nazret, ER, ethiomedia and also tadias websites are copied from other sources like ethiopian newspapers and international websites.
ironically, it seems like the original websites like addis fortune, addis neger, capital, jima times and reporter do not have good rankings because others steal news from them. anyway, i visit ethiomedia website just to check the links so take it easy.
let us be humble and respect the hard workers inside ethiopia instead of boasting which diaspora website duplicated news faster.
inside ethiopia, they are dodging bullets and suffering from government persecution and harrassment while ethiomedia, nazret and tadias steal their hardwork. let us be real
may god protect them and our country
Wow, Fascinating!
What is astonishing to me are the internal numbers. The gender gap in most of the sites are incredible (with the exception of high number of females on Tadias and somewhat on Ethiopia Zare), the rest sound like men night out in cyberspace. If it was in my neighborhood here…most would be labeled THE BLACK GAY BAR.
Where are all the women?
Here is another project for you Tadias. I bet you if you commission a study, you will find more Ethiopian immigrant women have college degrees than Ethiopian men in America. That’s simply a fact.
We work our butt off to succeed in mainstream America, and the men are busy eating each other on Nazret, EthioMedia and Ethiopian Review. THAT IS JUST FACT. Look at the numbers.
Dear haimanote,
You raise a good point about copyright abuse by most websites edited by Ethiopians living outside their country. The newspapers in Ethiopia should monitor this. The most active abuser is the website http://www.nazret.com because i see them copying news articles from Capital newspaper in Ethiopia and even from ENA. But it is hard to believe that they have capacity to monitor the copyright violation. For example, many Ethiopian songs are being illegally copied and distributed on Youtube. The Diaspora is a big market for the singers and artists in Ethiopia, but sadly, it is no more because most of them can get everything for free on youtube.com, ethiotube.com or other websites. This kills the incentive to work on music industry, but i hope the Ethiopians living outside our country have the courage to follow the rule of law and copyright regulations.
Haimanot has said it well on online web property. But the point here is all about traffic. Nazret.com has a huge traffic not only because it copies major news from papers in Addis, it has it’s own writers in the ground writing their blogs. Alot of readers like to comment/argue on current affairs, news issues,probably huge traffic due to this.They’ve a stable,steady traffic.
We have to see global audience,than U.S. only.I got the following web page describing the global reach(traffic) of Ethiopian websites.tadias is at 23rd position globally-currently.
1 nazret 54,945 Web Media
2 ethiopianreview 83,514 Web Media
3 ethiomedia.com 107,224 Web Media
4 telecom.net.et 128,443 ISP
5 ethiopianairlines.com 163,309 Travel
6 ethioforum.org 172,550 Web Media
7 abugidainfo.com 173,659 Web Media/TV
8 ethiopianreporter.com 175,953 Web Media/Newspaper
9 addiszefen.com 216,357 Music
10 aigaforum.com 218,033 Web Media
11 realethiopia.com 229,200 Travel Info
Quantcast is an open internet rating service where advertisers can find reports on the audiences of millions of websites and publishers can have their sites represented for direct measurement. It helps publishers to understand the compositions of their audiences and attract higher advertising rates…
Longtime Yahoo Exec Joins Quantcast
After nearly a decade, Yahoo’s Todd Teresi is moving on. His new employer, Quantcast, expects the longtime Yahoo exec’s knowledge of both advertising operations and publisher inventory management to inform product development and growth. Of course, Teresi’s relationships with publishers and understanding of their needs are big pluses when it comes to attracting new clients for the audience measurement firm.
As is the case with many online ad businesses, data is at the heart of what Quantcast does, and that has been a major element of Teresi’s work at Yahoo. In describing Quantcast’s value proposition, he suggested, “Think about them in terms of the asset and the infrastructure that they built…that base level, census level, database level…what can you do with that asset? There’s a variety of different ways Quantcast can take that asset and leverage it.”
Much of Quantcast’s data is gleaned through direct measurement of publisher traffic, or determined through panel-based audience estimates. The company, founded in 2005, provides information on site audience characteristics like audience gender makeup, and which site visitors are “Passers-By” as opposed to “Addicts.”
Quantcast received a second round of funding totaling $20 million in January, and at the time noted plans to bulk up its publisher-aimed offerings and supplement its staff. Earlier this year, the company launched a search tool aimed at media planners that provides lists of Web sites based on defined audience characteristics such as gender, household income, or education level. Here is the link if you want to learn more about the company.
I dont get it how the rank works cause I know that ethionation.com has a total trafic of more than 3000 and it been launched just 3 months ago ? the site has its own counter and I see always it in increasing . so why it didn’t included in the list
AddisZefen.com is the best webiste. They have great contemporary Ethiopian Musika. I love Zefen so let me know if you know other Ethiopian musika sites.
Don’t worry, Nazret.com is #1 accoding to (YES) Nazret.com. Mulat posted the link:
From Nazret.com: “Marking the end of Ethiopian Year, it is time to look back and give ranking to the 25 best Ethiopian news media sources in the world with focus on Ethiopia. nazret.com is the most popular Ethiopian website according to Alexa, and it is not included in this ranking.
The ranking will be based on 10 important measurements. The grading system gives a score of 10 points if the media is excellent and a score of 0 (Zero) points if it is poor. Many Ethiopians from all political, religious, ethnic and other backgrounds are surveyed to get these comprehensively and thoroughly graded scores. And since the grading system uses 10 qualities or measurements, the maximum score possible is 100 points.”
These top 25 news websites and newspapers are:
1) Addis Neger 79.5 points
2) Addis Fortune 74 points
3) Addis Admass 70.5 points
4) Reporter 70 points
5) Ethiopia Zare 69.5 points
6) Ethiopian Review 69 points
7) Abbi Weekly 68.5 points
8) Jimma Times 68 points
9) Capital 66 points
10) Informer 65.5 points
11) Abugida Info 65 points
12) Ethioforum 64.5 points
13) Daily Monitor 64 points
14) Tadias 63.5 points
15) Oromoindex 63 points
16) Ethiopia First 62.5 points
17) Ethiomedia 61 points
18) Abbay Media 59.5 points
19) Mahder 58 points
20) Addis Voice (tie) 57 points
21) Ethio-lion (tie) 57 points
22) Ethio-politics 56.5 points
23) Gadaa 56 points
24) Aigaforum 54.5 points
25) Cyberethiopia 53.5 points
I like the purpose of this website,and i found good information on it, keep it up.
ohh and if u guys want ethiopian social webstie… check out http://www.addisspace.com
I can’t believe that ethiomedia is the most popular site. It’s one of the most ignorant & dumbest ethiopian websites that serves no other purpose but to divide us up with their ignorant and devisive articles.
To begin with, it has the wrong map of Ethiopia (it’s a new one bc I’ve never seen Ethiopia drawn that way) where certain portions of Eritrea is apart of Ethiopia. I think they don’t know that the monarch/feudal days are over and that they can’t bring back haile selassie – nor will they get Eritrea back (regardless of what their latest article says).
I find it hilarious that they refuse to recognize self-determination when it comes to Eritreans but yet they want to add the Oromo Liberation and the Ogaden National Liberation Movement links to their site – like they erally support those movements.
How stupid are they?? So it’s okay for some parts of the country to fight for self determination, as long as it furthers their political agenda, of course, but others (Eritreans) don’t have a right to self determination.
I wonder if there’s anyone with an ounce of intelligence on their board. Instead of trying to unite us- they want us to continue fighting that war our parents generation fought. I guess some Ethiopians won’t respect our diverse population if they can’t control and benefit from it.
Most of these sites are money makers (thru ads). Individuals have found easy cash by selling yellow journalism. Take a look at what passes for facts in Ethiopian Review and the rest. Adult pop-ups, “Eritrean Women”, etc. You may disagree with me but if you are interested in content and principled themes you have Enset (among blogs), and Tecolahagos (among websites). Ethiomedia allows you to castigate Meles; dare say something that comes close to disfavoring Tigrayan rule you are out the window. As for Ethiopian Review, it is the mouth-piece of the Eritrean government and a character assassin. Just this week ER reported that Ecadf has unanimously come up with a document that approved aligning with the Eritrean regime to oust Meles. Well, a bunch of us should get together to reverse that. Who gave ER the right to dictate to us!?
It is sad that as Ethiopians we constantly fail to be original. I am not seeing many show interest or dedication to a principle. EPRP and its affiliates still harp on the past. The rest simply holler from their ethnic ghettoes.
In other words, number of hits is not a true indicator of quality. My advise is IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU READ DON’T CLICK AND MAKE THEM MONEY. THE POWER TO DENY THEM VOICE IS AT YOUR FINGER TIPS!
However, in terms of content, organization, and excellence, I will vote for Tadias. Go see for yourself.
You are right. Tadias is refreshing with truthful & relevant news for us – but then again their agenda is not to start more wars. I don’t visit ethiomedia but I had to check it out after reading Tadias’ article regarding the top 10 Ethiopian sites, I wanted to know if it was still on the same bs – yep it still was.
I recently started reading Tadias & I love it. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the referral on other sites. I will check them out.
Selam Tadias! My Fav habesha magazine. You should include http://WWW.TESHAMO.COM as one of the sites. News, tons of videos and state of the art Audio/Video Chat! Check out one of a kind ethio songs mixed and remixed via Dj-FitFit. bless
In addition to the sites listed above, I also suggest: http://www.addisspace.com. It is an Ethiopian social network.
number one ethiopian music website http://www.afrosong.com/, almost every ethiopian music is avilable.
Ethiopian Music, Ethiopian zefen, Ethiopian christian song, Tigre music, Oromo music and many type of songs are available !!!
I have seen the ranks and all site did well but unfortunately almost all the sites are built and designed by peoples in the United States.
Ethiopian Music Video Website released by a young Ethiopian From Dire Dawa.
That is why i love there Work! So please consider this kind of websites too even though they rank Low on Alexa.
Go Ethiopia!
thanks to ethiomedia and the followers.
this is my site i just made it u can find cool new music
you gotta add this link man, it’s been only 8 month and the fast website i ever see. it’s social network. i love it and i am also member
number one ethiopian orthodox tewahedo social network http://KIdanemhret.ning.com
plzzzzzz sign up now!!
check out AddisLive.com. It is a good ALL-IN-ONE site, news, music, etc.(i don’t think it has videos, i may be wrong.) but i like the streaming authentic Ethiopian music.