Ethiopian women face dangers in childbirth

Above: A resident displays an x-ray at Jimma Referral Hospital
in Jimma, Ethiopia, on September 2, 2009. The resident is
helping teach health officers how to perform emergency
and obstetric surgeries. (Hanna Ingber Win).

Mothers Of Ethiopia Part V (Huffington Post)
Editor’s note: Hanna Ingber Win, the Huffington Post‘s World Editor, was recently invited by the UN Population Fund to visit its maternal health programs in Ethiopia, which has one of the world’s worst health care systems. In the U.S., a woman has a 1 in 4,800 chance of dying from complications due to pregnancy or childbirth in her lifetime. In Ethiopia, a woman has a 1 in 27 chance of dying. This is the fifth of a five-part series on what she learned on her trip. Read more at:


















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