US envoy pledges to press Ethiopia on rights

Above: Donald Booth, President Barack Obama’s nominee to
be next US ambassador to Ethiopia promised to be forward-
leaning on Human Rights

Feb 2, 2010
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s nominee to be the next US ambassador to Ethiopia pledged on Tuesday to press the government in Addis Ababa to improve human rights, free political prisoners and make upcoming elections fair. Donald Booth said the United States had “complex interests” in Ethiopia, and that the two nations, while differing in tactics, saw largely eye-to-eye on the need to bring stability and prevent an Islamist takeover of Somalia. Read More.

1 Response to “US envoy pledges to press Ethiopia on rights”

  1. 1 dereje banjaw Feb 4th, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    Sooer or later the US and UK have to call the ethiopoian goverment by proper names and deal with them as such. Otherwise there policy shall stand a risk of suffering a haitus from the ground.
    They can fool some of us most of the time but they can not fool all of us all the time.

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