America: Time to Step Up and Avoid Water War Over Ethiopia Nile Dam

"The United States does not have a dog in the fight, except that it has relatively decent relations with both Egypt and Ethiopia," wrote the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Monday in an editorial urging the U.S. to help resolve the differences between the two African nations over Ethiopia's almost completed multibillion-dollar hydroelectric power plant. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is regarded in Ethiopia as a flagship infrastructure and economic project even as the country has descended into political turmoil in recent days. In the meantime Egypt is stepping-up its public relations campaign arguing that the dam could reduce its water flow. Below is an excerpt from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial published on February 26th, 2018. (AP Photo)

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Water wars: Tensions build over a Nile dam in Ethiopia

A major drama is building in northeast Africa, among Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, as Ethiopia nears completion of work on a large new dam on the Nile River…

Ethiopia has been building for years the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam at its border with Sudan. It’s on what is called the Blue Nile, the river’s other major tributary. The Blue Nile accounts for some 85 percent of the water flowing into the main Nile. Ethiopia is at the point of filling the huge reservoir behind the dam, already, in Egypt’s eyes, putting Egypt’s Nile waters at risk. Egypt’s complaint is that the Ethiopians have built the dam without, or with insufficient, consultation with it, as to its impact on Egypt. Egypt itself built the massive Aswan Dam, with financing help from the Soviet Union, completing it in 1970.

Sudan, a very dry country, is happy enough with the new Ethiopian dam, which will make irrigation and thus cultivation in it much more feasible than before, attracting investment, increasing food supplies and bringing other benefits.

The United States does not have a dog in the fight, except that it has relatively decent relations with both Egypt and Ethiopia, would not like to see them descend into warfare with each other, and hopes that trouble over the dam will not generate one more war in northeast Africa. There already continues in that region, with American military involvement, the long war between different elements in Somalia, bordering on Ethiopia. The trouble in Somalia started in 1991, and matters there are no better now than they were when the United States first put troops into the conflict in 1992. That war also serves as the justification for the United States maintaining 4,000 troops, jet fighter-bombers and drones in neighboring Djibouti, the former French Somaliland, an expensive U.S. overseas presence…With the Ethiopian dam issue heating up, it could be a good moment for America to step up to the plate to help resolve a serious problem over water, increasingly the basis for major problems in the world.

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The Nile Belongs to Ethiopia Too (The Guardian)
Egypt Should Welcome Ethiopia’s Nile Dam (Bloomberg Editorial)
Tom Campbell: America Would Be Wrong to Favor Egypt in Water Rift (OC Register)
Visualizing Nile Data – Access to Electricity vs Fresh Water (TADIAS)
Hydropolitics Between Ethiopia and Egypt: A Historical Timeline (TADIAS)

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