Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015
New York (TADIAS) — On Tuesday, June 16th in Washington, D.C. Freedom House will host a panel discussion on the recently held Ethiopia elections. The preliminary results released so far by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) show the long predicted sweep of votes by the ruling party.
“The panelists will explore the future of multiparty democracy and inclusive politics under EPRDF’s rule, Ethiopia’s continued downward democratic trajectory, and the country’s role as a key development and security partner of the West in the Horn of Africa,” said the press release from Freedom House, the U.S.-based non-governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom, and human rights.
Participants include Terrence Lyons, Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, Vukasin Petrovic, Director for Africa at Freedom House, and Steven Feldstein, Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. The discussion will be moderated by Robert Herman, Vice President of Freedom House.
“This event will also address the fate of the country’s continued stability in the face of growing frustration among different ethnic and religious communities as well as the demographic pressure that the much touted economic growth is supposedly addressing,” notes the announcement. “Finally, the panel will point to opportunities for future engagement with the government of Ethiopia, civil society, the media and other stakeholders with the aim of expanding the political space and strengthening viable democratic institutions.”
If You Go:
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Freedom House
1850 M Street NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20036
Click here to register.
Ethiopia’s crackdown on dissent drives opposition to push for ‘freedom first’ (The Guardian)
Ethiopia Opposition Says Elections ‘Undemocratic Disgrace’ (AFP)
As Expected Ruling Party Claims Big Win in Early Ethiopia Election Results
Statement From US State Dept on Ethiopia May 24th Elections (Press Release)
AU Observers Avoid Words ‘Free & Fair’ In Ethiopia Election Assessment (VOA)
African Observers Say Ethiopia Poll Credible, Opposition Cries Foul (Reuters)
No Suspense in Ethiopia Election Results (Photos)
Ethiopia’s Ruling Party Is Expected to Keep Grip on Power (NY Times)
Ethiopia Election Met With Silence From Ordinary Voters (VOA News)
Ethiopia’s Election: ‘Africa’s Largest Exercise of Political Theatre’ (The Guardian)
With Limited Independent Press, Ethiopians Left Voting in the Dark (CPJ)
Opponents Question Ethiopia’s Democracy (VOA)
Imperiling the Right to Vote in Ethiopia (Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights)
Is Ethiopia About to Get More Than One Opposition MP? (BBC)
No Western Observers for Ethiopian Elections (VOA)
As Ethiopia Votes, What’s ‘Free and Fair’ Got to Do With It? — The Washington Post
Washington Enables Authoritarianism in Ethiopia (Aljazeera America)
Ethiopian PM Faces His First Election Ever (VOA News)
Wendy Sherman Says Editorial on US-Ethiopia ‘Mischaracterized My Remarks’ (The Washington Post)
The United States’ Irresponsible Praise of Ethiopia’s Regime — The Washington Post
U.S. Wrong to Endorse Ethiopia’s Elections (Freedom House)
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